Thanks, Huggies

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Thanks, Huggies
India knew babies for 7000+ years.
All the babies as usual shit.
India never knew a technology – as simple as to deal with this Holy Shit while travelling.
As an ardent Tourist, Traveller & Nomad – my heartfelt thanks to Huggies.
This simple product made my life easier to Travel with my kid.
Thanks to copy cat products from Wipro, Tata or what not the prices are less now.
Ladies Sanitary napkin industry is also forging ahead in India.
Once upon a time these J&J's products were very costly.
Now so many companies, brands…
It's such a useful product, that it gave real FREEDOM to women which could not be even thought of by lip service leaders like EVR Periar, Gandhi etc.
Technology, Science, R & D – these are the real religions.
Human mind alone can emancipate another human from suffering.
Thanks Westerners for your Contribution to our daily lives.
East & Spirituality alone can't be the answer to Earths mundane problems.

Pasupathi Kumarappan.


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