December 28, 2005

 Today Times of India [28 Dec 05] recyled a News from Newyork Times syndication...

[now a days you see syndicated news all over the places, you feel the World is 30% same in all

directions, be it TV or PAPER or MAGAZINE or MOBILE SMS UPDATES or RWORLD.


Syndications blur one's point of view, whilst proving the WORLD is indeed GLOBULAR

and it SPINS on MONEY]


Ok, leave the cry over syndication, [it is the TRADE UNION of Journalists].


The point I came to tell here is the STUNNING similarity between Indian thought systems

and the modern science.


The Times News says, Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

[NIST] succeeded in putting half dozen beryllium atoms in to the Quantum state of

"Cat State" - meaning to put the same atom to spin at Clockwise and anticlockwise at

the same time, like be dead and alive / black and white / up and down at the same time.


But here, this two diametrically opposite states of being is considered not possible in reality.



example of QUANTUM STATE of being the original at both ends!.


But from Danish Niels Bohr - German Einstein times in 1935, they predicted it is possible at the Quantum level.


They did not have proof then, theoretically it was proved.


Now a days, Science found more and more Proofs to that Quantum Theory.


Now, Scientists even talk of transporting particles from one room to another.


So in future no need to TRAVEL physically, you can simply TELEPORT yourself from

one geological location to another by dividing the human into his Quantum parts and...


All this evokes one deep sigh from INDIANS like me, and recall a closer reality that we already have

in our kitty, of course in the form of TANTRA / MANTRA.


The TANTRIKAM philosophy of Indian Hindu Thought makes one to fly from one's own body to another's



There were many Tamil Tantra Books and Sanskrit works on it.


SIDDHARGAL used it. The famous Palani Mountain Siththar Bogar [or Bohar?] used it.


It is believed that Bogar visited the Palani Hills via the Skies, using this kind of TANTRIC method.


So many other Indian Stories depict the YOGA of changing the bodies for doing GOOD or BAD.


of a SIDDHAR taking the body of CAT or a LION then coming back to his old "DEAD" BODY.


During this JUMPING from SOUL to SOUL, one's BODY should be decomposable, should be protected

from dangers. Otherwise the SOUL can't return.


If Krishna in Gita says HUMAN BODY is like a DRESS and the SOUL wears it in JANMAs, it means

we can change the DRESS during one's life, it simply needs a TANTRIC YOGA an art of changing souls.


Like today's Scientists, in which some are bad and good, in those times we had our SIDDHA people

in which some used the TANTRIC method for good some used it for bad deeds.


Anyhow, I feel that the ADVAITA principle and many old INDIAN SUTHRAMS are indeed

worthy to study and reflect upon in the context of latest scientific discoveries.


May be, our systems use ecologically sustainable / reusable energy, where as the Western science and its

discoveries / inventions provide the synthetic / artificial / against-the-nature solutions?


It will be interesting to live on this Earth, the more the THOUGHT process, the more the MAJA...


Albeit the TSUNAMIs albeit the QUAKES albeit the AIDS albeit the SARS albeit the ATOM BOMB.


Heil Science!

visit my thought process in my blogroll chain from year 2004 www.pasug.blogspot.com

Pasupathi Kumarappan.


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