Y Haplogroup chromosomes DNA alleles test reports Tamilnadu all castes Vellalars
Dhananjay Kumar Burnwal you are very correct. On Dot. But unfortunately, Tamil people have a tradition of marriage with own sisters daughter. My elder or younger sisters daughters I can marry. This is very age old tradition even now people ask permission before marrying off their daughters to outside the family. Gotra system of Rishi names only available for few upper castes of Tamils. For example myself General caste saiva vellalar pillai. Kayastha. Within this few sub divisions know Gotra system. Most of my caste people say "Shiva Gotra" or "Vishnu Gotra" in temples. Puberty of daughters also celebrated as a festival in Tamilnadu by all castes. That is not available in other parts of India. To safeguard property cousin marriage is done at Tamilnadu. Muslims also do it. They marry their brothers daughters. Which is a Taboo in Tamilnadu Hindus. I accept your viewpoint. Doctors also say same family cousin marriages can create lot of DNA genetic diseases. Still Tamilnadu people never changed their minds. Jews also do marriage with cousin.
There was a Human Genome Project. HGP. Y chromosomes of various castes of India is studied and tabulated in the form of Y Haplogroup human genes with matching alleles (comparison with any person on Earth).
J = Jewish Haplogroup. Middle East. Fertile Crescent. Sumeria. Mesapatomia. Iran. Iraq. Genes.
R = Russian. German. Poland. Rome. Roman. Greek. Haplogroup. Caucasus Caucasian Haplogroup.
H = Harappan. Mohenjodoro people.
F = lot of mixture of low caste people. You can say it fucked people.
L = Lemuria. SriLanka. South East Asian Haplogroup.
E = Egypt Pharaoh. African Haplogroup.
When all the results were tabulated, the scientists wrote lot many books on it.
Tamil Vellalars DNA contains J=38.7% Middle East, fertile crescent, Iran Iraq DNA alleles. This is the report of only Y Haplogroup of human chromosome. That is study of only father side genes.
Jayalalita ex CM of TN had lot of R European genes alleles in her blood.
That means people who went for Trade of Goods with Iran Iraq Mesapatomia Sumeria married with local indians.
Many beautiful European Persian wife brought to Tamilnadu.
Therefore Iyer Iyengar like Kamal Hassan have more R Haplogroup alleles.
It created a revolution in Tamilnadu.
I wrote many blogs, books on this subject....
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Dhananjay Kumar Burnwal on this Human Genome Project. I wrote this book during year 2015...2016... at BHEL Ranipet...
J = 38.7% Middle East Fertile Crescent Iran Iraq Y Haplogroup chromosomes DNA alleles found more in Tamil Vellalar Castes. General Castes. Upper Castes.
They decided, many people migrated from Sumeria Mesapatomia to come and settle with Tamil people at Tamilnadu....
Then naturally question araised who were the people who went to Egypt, Libya, Sumeria, Mesapatomia and returned back as Aryans Orion Oraiyan upper castes?
It was found Kshatriyars, Vaishyas, Brahmins all upper caste people of Tamilnadu went from South India to Egypt Sumeria Mesapatomia during 3000 BC and came back as NRIs Non Resident Indians Orion Oraiyan Aryan upper caste people.
Again this information created lot of heart ache, jealousy, war of words between various people of Tamilnadu.
Everyone started checking their Y Haplogroup chromosomes DNA alleles by Doctors. Lab reports.
Same kind of tests also possible with female side blood DNA. Mother side. X chromosome X Haplogroup chromosomes DNA alleles test.
This is actually a revolution.
To know where and all our forefathers went.
To know in which countries our forefathers had married. Had children.
To know our roots.
Pasupathi Kumarappan.
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