Clyde Winters accepts Tamil Egypt Link

Thanks Clyde Winters ji. Great Work. Cholars Pandiyars Cherars traded with Misiram Mizr Misr Egypt which is just a duplicate name of Muciri Musiri Musiripattinam of Kerala. Tamils have a way of naming similar names for many places around their trade world. For example Hathore is actually Aathoor Aathur River Side town. Mari Maari is another Tamil village city name in Egypt.

Anki Sen mun = Angu Eesan Mun
Meri Tai Mun = Maari Thaai Mun
Amun = Aa Mun (in front of Bull prostrating kneeling to worship)
Thuthan Kamun
Thuthan Kaman = Thuthan means Thutha Nagam a chemical used in battery. Blue colour. This chemical first found by Tamils and kept as Royal Name Royal Colour and also for Royal Night Lamp Battery etc.
Thuthan Kaman means the Tamil King Pharoh Ramesses mispelled french word for Parameshwaran Shiva Sivan who loves Blue Thutham.

Thutham Blue is compared to Tamil word Mayil Peacock whose neck is Blue.

Thuthan People or Thuthan Sons became Thathan Duttha Datha Daththa Dutt Sunil Dutt Sanjay Dutt Datta Dhatha people in India.

TATA name also born from ancient Tamil Root word Thathai (Parrot) the Brahmins who repeat Mantrams like Parrot are called jokingly as Thathai Parrot people.

The Thathai Dutta Dhatha Dhattha Dutt people were all Avestan Farsi Parsi Persian Brahmin people who mingled with Tamils to  create Mahabharatam Ramayanam.

Thathan Paattan Paatan is also a common name used in Egypt to denote elderly Pharoh.

Thatha is even today Tamil word to indicate Grandfather. Paattan Muppattan is still Tamil word for Grand Father Great Grandfather.

Mut is a lady name in Egypt equal word in Tamil is Muthu Muthu Maari Amman Muthu Mari Amman Muthu Va Poi in Gondi means Pearl. 

Muthu Pearl export one of major export of valuables by Tamils.

Peik Kaman is a similar names used by Tamil Kallar Maravar Agamudaiyar Devar people who are direct descendants of Egypt Pharoh.

Aay Ay Dynasty Pharoh direct name in Tamil Aay Aayar Ahirs Yadavars Konars Idaiyars Palars Go Palars Cow Men Milk Men Shepherds Dynasty.

Seth Seti Sethi Dynasty direct equivalent in Tamil Sedhu Sethupathi Settu Shettar Shetty Chetty Shetjis Chettiyars Nagarathars Sethi Rayars Dynasty (people of Traders Businessmen who give money on Pawn interest Vatti Vari Thirai Kishthi Kisthi.


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